澳洲客戶在郵件里寫道:“Thank you so much and everyone at Singyes ! We are so happy with our partnership and I will share with the Probuild company on our website.”隨后客戶在他們的公司網(wǎng)站發(fā)布水發(fā)興業(yè)能源集團的祝福圖片并置頂。法國布里亞克和呂費克兩個電站的管理人員回復:“Thank you very much for the availability of your teams and for their work.It is an honor to work for you, with you. Thank them warmly. I will transmit. LONG LIVE CHINA!” 對中國采取的堅決有力的防控措施及有序的復工復產,表示肯定和贊賞。